Effects of Cervi cornus Colla (deer antler glue) in the reconstruction of a skin equivalent model.
Kim JD, Jeong HS, Li HL, Baek KJ, Kwon NS, Yun HY, Choi HR, Park KC, Kim DS.
Arch Dermatol Res.
Increased Lymphocyte Infiltration in Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Correlated with an Increase in LTi-like Cells in Synovial Fluid.
Koo JH, Kim SC, Jung WJ, Lee YE, Song GG, Kim KS, Kim MY.
Immune Network.
Assessment of Skin Toxicity Using Skin Equivalents Containing Cervi cornus Colla.
Kim JD, Li HL, Jeong HS, Yun HY, Baek KJ, Kwon NS, Choi HR, Park KC, Kim DS.
J. Soc. Cosmet. Scientists Korea.
Characterization of microthermal zones induced by fractional radiofrequency using reflectance confocal microscopy: A preliminary study.
Shin MK, Park JM, Lim HK, Choi JH, Baek JH, Kim HJ, Koh JS, Lee MH.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine.
Investigation of the Study Plan and Statistical Method of Functional Cosmetics on Human Skin.
Seo YK, Koh JS. Lee WC.
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea.
Acute Modulations in Stratum Corneum Permeability Barrier Function Affect Claudin Expression and Epidermal Tight Junction Function via Changes of Epidermal Calcium Gradient.
Baek JH, Lee SE, Choi KJ, Choi EH, Lee SH.
Yonsei Medical Journal.
Analysis of the temporal change in biophysical parameters after fractional laser treatments using reflectance confocal microscopy.
Shin MK, Kim MJ, Baek JH, Yoo MA, Koh JS, Lee SJ, Lee MH.
Skin Research and Technology.
Assessment of the Breast-Firmming Effects of a Cosmetic Preparation with Moiré Tophography in Combination with 2D and 3D Digital Image Analyses
Seo YK, Yoo MA, Ryu JH, Kim SJ, Cho SA, Nam GW, Cho JC, Boo YC, Koh JS.
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea.
Reduction of facial wrinkles depth by sleeping on copper oxide-containing pillowcases: a double blind, placebo controlled, parallel, randomized.
Baek JH, Yoo MA, Koh JS, Borkow G.
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
Cosmetic efficacy evaluation of an anti-acne cream using the 3D image analysis system.
Choi KM, Kim SJ, Baek JH, Kang SJ, Boo YC, Koh JS.
Skin Research and Technology.
Effects of Dermal Cell Combination on the Formation of Basement membrane and Epidermis in Skin Equivalents.
Li HL, Jeong HS, Kim JD, Yun HY, Baek KJ, Kwon NS, Min YS, Park KC, Kim DS.
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea.
Instrumental Assessments of Sub-clinical Skin Reactions induced by Cosmetic Ingredients.
An SM, Lee MY, Baek JH, Ham H, Boo YC, Koh JS.
Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea.